Program was abruptly cancelled, although not because of problems with the aircraft. Suspicion is that the US pressured Canada into cancelling it's program although there isn't really any evidence to it and it's hard to make sense of unless you would believe that Canada would supply them to US enemies.

From wikipedia:

"Not long after the 1958 start of its flight test program, the development of the Arrow (including its Orenda Iroquois jet engines) was abruptly and controversially halted before the project review had taken place, sparking a long and bitter political debate.[N 1][6]

The controversy engendered by the cancellation and subsequent destruction of the aircraft in production, remains a topic for debate among historians, political observers and industry pundits. "This action effectively put Avro out of business and its highly skilled engineering and production personnel scattered... The incident was a traumatic one... and to this day, many mourn the loss of the Arrow."[7]"

It's still a bit of a mystery up here. and... because they were never put into operation, making the claim hard to refute, we like to claim that the aircraft was the best in the world at that point in time.

Last edited by Reiche; 04/06/11.