With a new dog coming along nicely, pheasant season cannot get here fast enough for me.

I have hunted pheasants exclusively with a Remignton Model 11 20gauge with full chokes for 20 years now. A few weeks ago I ran across a nearly new Beretta Silverhawk 20ga SXS that I couldn't pass up, so will have a new shotgun to tote afield this year.

Winchester Super-X 6's backed up by 4's have always done me well out of the full choked barrel, but I'm thinking that M/IM chokes with 5's might be the ticket in the new SXS. What say you? I generally prefer a bit longer shot (had to learn that shooting a full choked shotgun for 20 years) that won't tear up too much meat. I've tried 7.5's before, but found they sort of ran out of juice about 35 yards.

I've also got my grandfather's old 28ga that he used to hunt ducks with (I know, a 28 is WAY too small for ducks, just tell that to the 1000's that my grandfather killed with it). I want to haul it out as well this year and pund a few birds with the old warrior.