I have a Browning Safe, just quickly read through the other replies.

ex of safe combo

40, 20, 60, 90

Clear out tumblers rotating them clockwise a 1/2 dozen times, stopping on 0 is fine.

Counter Clock Wise go past 40, 3 times and the 4th time stop on 40.

Clock Wise this time go past 20 two times and the third time stop on 20

Counter Clock Wise go past 60 1 time and the 2nd time around stop on 60.

Clock Wise go to and stop on 90

Should open up

4 times Counter Clock Wise
3 times Clockwise
2 times Counter Clock Wise
1 time Clockwise

Good Luck, still occasionally takes me a couple times to open mine up.

Life is just one damned thing after another