Last month, I asked a question in another thread about the recoil spring in my Colt Series '80 Gold Cup National Match. Responses included a mention that the GCNM slides have been lightened at the factory.

Well, I field stripped my GCNM, and darned if I could see any sign of steel being milled away from the slide inside or out. So, I wrote a letter to Colt. Asked them about that, and about what poundage of springs should be used.

(Yeah, pretty quaint, I know. But you can't send an email to the tech dept., nobody answers the phone there, and there's no option for press (#) for the tech guys.)

Here is the response I got today, from a lady in Colt's Customer Service Dept. I have no idea if she's a tech, or if she simply slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding the poundage of our recoil springs. This is not information that we have. Colt goes by the coil count, not the poundage, in recoil springs. The slide was not "lightened" compared to the Government Models of that time period. For factory ammo you should use a 32 coil spring and for target ammo a 28 coil spring.

Well... okay, then. That makes it official.