Dislikes about the Hornady? A few. This is true of most digitals, but it is difficult to empty the thing, especially getting the feed tube completely empty. You don't want to turn the thing over and shake it (very bad for the scale), but that's about the best way to get all the powder out of the feed tube. I use one of those drinking straws you can bend, and blow into the feed tube. Works fine, but does leave some breath condensation in the tube. If you're changing powders to load something else right away, the new powder clumps in the tube.

Also, it is damnably easy to leave the drain valve open. Powder cascading across the bench when you next fill it is a major PITA. I painted a part of the valve with black marker so that the black shows when the valve is closed. That helps a lot.

Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.