Here's a knife that has found its way to my heart and it was by accident I started using it.;styleId=224&partNum=KNIFE-ROACH-4

I bought it simply for reenacting purposes but as with most of you guys, most likely, I can't stand a dull knife so I put an edge on it. We were butchering a deer a few years back and I needed a knife right now. I grabbed this one from where it was displayed and started using it. I was quite pleasantly surprised at how well it worked. Being carbon steel it dressed back to a fine edge quickly and held its initial edge quite well.

Since then it's been carried a lot more than for just reenacting. I've done all the small game we have here in Missouri with it and a few deer. I've never used it for fish, preferring an electric filet' knife for that.

It's small-ish, light, easy to carry and I like it!

NRA Benefactor 2008

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." John 14-6

There is no right way to do a wrong thing