Originally Posted by johnw

anybody got an opinion of how difficult it might be for a guy who's used single barrel guns for almost all of his life to adjust to a SxS???

I've got an opinion and it's worth exactly what you're paying for it. I have two major problems using a SXS and neither is looking down such a wide sight plane. Just holding a forearm two barrels wide and so close to the sight plane completely throws me off, but what's even worse is having a tang safety after using ones on the trigger guard all my life. There's quite a few quail got a reprieve on that basis. But, neither of those problems would likely survive a couple flats worth of dedicated practice. I just was in no position to switch completely over. Similar reasoning to why I won't own a Glock. It seems I'd have to completely retrain myself to use that trigger.

Last edited by RufusG; 01/04/12.