I have been using an Ithaca 37 in 20 gauge for 40 years. It is my absolute favorite shotgun. Being light and handy can increase recoil, but I fire mine as a winter time rabbit gun and am well clothed. Any time my son goes skeet shooting that old Ithaca becomes the favorite weapon for all his buddies. The first time he took it he outshoot all his buddies with their guns. Soon they were using the 37 for their turn. It just naturally points on target.

Does your 37 have a recoil pad? Many of the older guns had the plastic putt plate. My 20 gauge has a thick factory pad which greatly softens the recoil, but my 16 gauge Ithaca has the plastic butt plate. It will get your attention. After the season ends, I will fit a pad to it. I bought the 16 gauge a 18 months ago, but didn't hunt with it last season. This year we have enough rabbits to hunt for the first time in several years, so it is getting a workout.

BTW, my son liked my 20 gauge model 37 that he bought a 12 gauge model 37. Now if I could afford the new 28 gauge we would have a set.

Last edited by LeonHitchcox; 01/21/12.