More practice that is correctly done, a good mount, strong visual contact with the target, a shotgun that fits reasonably and has some life, having confidence in your ability that comes from experience will always be more productive than wishing, thinking or hoping extra BBs or 5 extra yards will turn the tide.

One day I watched a group of guys consistently hammer Geese with 10 Gauges at ranges I thought were impossible. They had all of the above, and if they hadn't a pound of shot wouldn't have helped them.

Addition: I watched and saw what they were doing, and finally walked over to their blind and asked if I could just sit and observe. They said sure. They were smooth, calm and deliberate while not being mechanical. They were knocking Geese out of the air at 60 to 70yards overhead consistently. Some came down dead, the crash probably killed some, some had busted wings and their Labs made short work of most retrieves.

The leads they were putting on Birds were beyond what most of us have ever seen. They were killing Birds with skill born of experience and know how of handling a shotgun. Without which extra shot would have meant nothing.

If one has the skill then there is an advantage. If not, there is none.

A good Dog makes most of think we are better with a shotgun then we really
are. wink And while we relive the great shots we made that day, he or she is usually in the kennel, tired and perhaps cold and wet trying to catch some well deserved zzzz while bouncing around in the truck bed.

Last edited by battue; 01/31/12.

laissez les bons temps rouler