thats kinda what I thought but I wasn't sure. thank you for the clarification. I have a small 8"x4"x4" cast iron pot I picked up at an antique store, looks to have been casted in before perhaps, I'm thinking it would work great for smelting, but I'm unsure how to heat it. would a simple hot plate work? or can I use the burner from my propane grill to heat it? I'm thinkin if I do I might take it off the grill and plumb it to a tank and make a metal shroud to hold the pot and keep heat inside. whats best to get the lead into the muffin tin for ingots? the ladle I have is small, I think its a lee. would a simple used ladle from a thrift store work? is that a good place to find a muffin tin too?

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.