A couple of concerns. 1) You would be going from a generally conservative gun freindly region to a region rife with liberal thought and likely niehbors 2) I bought a home built in 1910 once and its construction methods were awful and even unsafe in areas. Insualtion? What was THAT? Nope, none in that old place 3) I would HATE to be the one who had to re-roof that monstrosity, clean its gutters, or its windows! 4) the region is known for producing lots of mold and moss die to wet weather and a damp climate

I could have worked and moved to Western WA when I chose Walla Walla 18 years ago. Never been sorry about thqat decision.

If you decide that you can handle living in a wet, overcast region filled with Liberal Weenies then I would definately donate the house to the local fire dept. for a pracitce burn. You might be able to salvage some old antiquey fitings, lights, windows, etc from it first and sell them for a profit. The rest of the house? I would watch it burn then build a modern home.

LOVE God, LOVE your family, LOVE your country, LIKE guns and sports.

About 2016 team "R" candidates "We definitely need a crew with a sack of balls the size of hot water bottles, bloviated estrogen leaking feel-gooders need not apply." Gunner 500