A man who was believed to have relocated four years ago was found in his home in January during a foreclosure visit to the home according to the New York Daily News. A 41-year-old-man from Wisconsin, David Carter�s remains were found inside his home with a 9mm pistol located on his chest.

The man�s �nearly skeletonized body� was located on the second floor of the house that he owned. An autopsy report concluded that cause of death was a gunshot wound to the head. They also determined that he must have killed himself sometime in 2007.
This came as a shock to neighbors and friends who knew Carter. They all believed he had moved to New Mexico. He had told many of his friends that he had planned on moving to the state after he quit his job, and after his disappearance, they just concluded that was what had happened.

A few reports mentioned that Carter suffered from depression on and off for many years. Also, because of his condition he frequently would disappear from sight for a while. No one thought anything serious had occurred because of his disappearance.

Carter owned his own home, so even after property taxes started to accrue, the city still left him alone. The city even continued to mow his grass and clear the snow from his walkway and just added the fees to his property taxes. After the electricity was turned off, many believed the house had become abandoned.

Carter had no siblings, and he never knew his father. His cousin, Kevin O�Neill, reported that his mother passed away in 1997. After her death, he started to drink more and became more withdrawn and depressed than usual. More details are coming to light on how Carter could have remained dead in his home for four years without notice. Friends initially reported that they did not think anything was wrong.

Carter did leave behind a daughter. He and her mother never married, but medical records proved that the girl was his. She is now 14. His property is now going to the county, but since it has become clear that he did have a daughter that could change.

If this story teaches anybody anything, hopefully it is do not take depression lightly. It may not seem that serious, but people who are suffering from depression often feel like they have no hope. Maybe Carter�s story, no matter how sad, can end up helping someone else who is in trouble.

A Doe walks out of the woods today and says, that is the last time I'm going to do that for Two Bucks.