I am currently teaching several women in their 60s, 70s and one in her 80s about personal protection with a handgun. After shooting a variety of handguns and calibers all have chosen .22s.

Two in their late 60s both are using S&W 4" kit guns... One has a 63 and the other a nickel 34. They shoot monthly at our clubs tactical shoots that includes both scenario shooting and usually 100-150 rounds of exercises. They both hold their own.

Another in her early 60s has a Glock 19 but does 95% of her shooting with an Advantage Arms .22 Conversion. When she carries or the gun is loaded for self-defense around the house it is in the 9mm mode. She does 95% of her practice with the .22 Conversion but always finishes up the session with 1-2 mags of 9mm. Her husband is in his late 60s and carries a Glock 17. He also has a .22 conversion but shoots 75% 9mm....

Two women I am working with right now are about to start the NRA Personal Protection In The Home Course in two weeks. One is in her 60s the other 82. They both went though the Basic Pistol Course in January and as part of the course shot a variety of handguns from .22 to .45. Neither had guns so I gave them the choice of one of mine...both chose the Beretta Cheetah in .22....luckily I had two of them and a friend has another so I borrowed his magazines so each has three.

Regardless of age, sex, height, weight, dexterity, health, everyone is different. I've seen grown male LEOs who can't handle anything more than a .38 whereas I've had women 5'1" 110 pounds who can do a head shot with a .45 Defender at 25 yards... Besides ability, as in physical, there has to also be the "desire" and that is all mental.

Do you and mom a favor...send her to a good shooting class and let her make up own mind...no class...no gun. And it can't be just a class on shooting and gun handling. If she is going to keep this gun for self-defense then she is going to have to do what it takes to make the mental adjustment it takes to survive the encounter and the aftermath...that can be worse than the incident if one has not prepared for it.... Then let your mom choose the gun.


If you can not deal with reality, reality will deal with you....