Just an FYI.I ask some unnecessary questions at times but it is always better to google first.Sometimes I read for days and then try to only ask specific questions that I have afterwards.

It's all just for fun but you will get more respect finding the simple answers for yourself.

BTW my next purchase will be a Kimber Montana in 257 Roberts or a 260 if I run up on one after I horde away the cash.

My advice on the financial aspect is to alot a small portion of income to the play fund to be spent on anything hobby related and "only" use that.I decided years ago I would give up my $7.00 a day lunch money for the gun fund.I was getting too fat anyway and it adds up in a year.
I see a lot of my friends complain that they can't afford as nice a rifle as me when they smoke or dip that money every day.