Maybe this after 12noon hunting isn't all that bad.

Raining in the AM so I rolled over and hit the alarm. It slowed to a drizzle and I got in the woods just after noon. Saw one Gobbler that had the nerve to ignore me and I moved on after an hour of messing around with him.

Saw a hen out in a cut so I started on her to see what would happen. She was coming and then two Deer almost ran her over and she headed into the woods.

Flushed one on the edge of a gas line road and a little further on, around 6pm, I called in another hen that ended up almost in my lap doing the lets get together clucks for about 10minutes. Finally she bored of the game and moved on.

Rain started up again and I headed home.

Been an interesting season so far.

Last edited by battue; 05/14/12.

laissez les bons temps rouler