
Are there things about deer hunting that you do, or that are routinely done, that seem folklore-ish to you?

An example, most folks I've deer hunted with (admittedly not that many), feel obliged to slit the throat of the dead deer once they find it. Their rationale is that it "bleeds" it and makes the meat better. Reality is that not much blood comes out of a dead deer when you slit it's neck... it'd be different if it was alive! It seems more like a "that's what grandpa did" type of thing. The real "bleed out" comes from a bullet passing through some vitals while there's still blood pressure.

Another example is my uncle who says you can tell if a deer (whitetail) is hit by whether it's tail is up or down on the first hop after the shot.... if it's up, you probably missed, if down, you hit 'em.... this one may well be true, I'm not sure yet.

So, do you have others, whether they be bogus or not?