An excellent H.S. Graduation address by a H.S. English Teacher that resonates with me. We were not fortunate enough to have children but we have quite a few nephews and nieces and between them, and my co-workers tales, it is apparent that there is an increasing trend that every child is special in order to preserve their self esteem (note that I'll happily admit some likely are).

Guess what? You're not. Personally, the best things that have happened to me is when I did something dumb and figured out what I did and how not to do it again and then move to succeed. If you're living life right you're going to fail occasionally and it's those failures and pressing on to succeed that makes successful people. It's not just right now, I saw the start of it as a flight instructor in the Navy 15 years ago when you had to tell a student that the flight event was below average, something he had never heard but I believe this has gotten worse.

Should you wish to read it it's here and worth the effort; You're not special

You�ll note the founding fathers took pains to secure your inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness�quite an active verb, �pursuit��which leaves, I should think, little time for lying around watching parrots rollerskate on Youtube.

If something on the internet makes you angry the odds are you're being manipulated