I've just started with 10 MM.... Bought a Glock 20 SF and added a 6" KKM barrel because I wanted "book load" high fps..... Getting avg 1330 fps with 2 th grain less than current max load of Long Shot with 180 XTP.

I also just bought some 800 x wil have to hand weigh trickle charge those loads but it may give me a few more fps than LS will....

Just put in an order for a custom heavy 10 MM mold.... Will dig up a link for those interested in a thumper load..

IMO Doc is correct about not screwing around with the ragged edge "nuclear" load date.... No subitutions of components and personally only new Starline Brass for max loads....

I'll only ever need a few hundred hot as they can be loaded rounds for hunting... Used brass will be loaded down a tad.... As long as they have the same POI that the max loads have I see no down side to this plan....

Please don't feed the trolls!