I understand the argument about "action, inaction", but in this case, specifically Obama v. Romney, other than the latter changing his rhetoric to suit his needs at the time, there has been no material difference in their actual governance.

Everything that he-Romney-has put forward are empty promises, especially when judged against past action-and not just distant past, but recent past-and hard numbers, especially IRT the economy. That's why I believe that there would be no material difference in the administrations of the two. They both have the same paymasters, and it isn't the citizenry of the USA. They will serve the interests of those that place them in power, and who provide the funds to remain there.

For those who wish to continue to vote for the "lesser of two evils", that's their choice. I'm done with that, and I believe that they will be sorely disappointed. If some want to equate that with supporting Obama, that too is their opinion, to which they are entitled.

If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks..., will deprive the People of all their Property,...Thomas Jefferson