Pretty simple really. The Constitution requires that the POTUS be a Natural born citizen, which defined means that both parents have to be citizens of the US at the time of birth of the candidate. That's one of the reasons that there are questions about Obama's legitimacy.

Rubio's parents, and also Jindal's parents, weren't citizens at the time of their births, so neither are qualified to be POTUS under the Constitution, or VP, as the VP is next in line and having a non natural born in line for a job he is ineligible to hold would cause major problems.

If you want to make non natural born citizens eligible for POTUS, then change the Constitution through an amendment the way it is supposed to be done, but which has fallen by the wayside in the last 40 years of so.

If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks..., will deprive the People of all their Property,...Thomas Jefferson