Originally Posted by 375HH
Originally Posted by Maverick940

"Elegant"??? It's a hunt and not a stroll down Rodeo Drive. Whatever works from a law enforcement officer's interpretation is all that matters, really.

Not that "elegant," definition #2:
1. Pleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
2. Pleasingly ingenious and simple.

Somewhat pleasingly ingenious and simple in a financial sense, is a couple yards of blaze-orange polyester and a one-layer vest pattern and a scissors and a sewing machine.

In any case, even more pleasantly ingenious and incomparably simple, is an extra-large or double extra-large one-layer blaze orange vest and a blaze orange ski-cap and a blaze orange ball-cap. But that's me, because I'm all about light and compact and easy and convenient and very uncomplicated.