Originally Posted by fish head


My double digit IQ opinion ...

I think, although I'm not quite sure, the threat comes from a backwards third world nation obtaining nuclear weapons.

HAJ, is that it?

There are different kinds of threats that are reality. We have vulnerabilities that are very well established and known in our infrastructure.

An Iran with Strategic Nukes isn't the real threat. It's the tactical nukes supplied to terrorist groups backed by Iran that's one possible threat.

Iran, China and Russia are well established bed buddies. Russia has openly supported Iran in it's weapons endeavors. They share experience and knowledge. The same with China.

An Iran with the ability to supply terrorist groups with this experience and knowledge is a threat to the whole Western World. It's not just in the shape of nukes. It's cyber, economic, electrical grids, etc etc etc...

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.