All that stuff is way over my head. I don,t reload all I do is shoot. And when I do it is nice to know the round in the chamber is not going to blow up in my face.
When I was in the Croch we used two 105 Caliber shells. One was used in a 105 Cannon the other in a 105 Recoiless Rifle. Same caliber, very different shells. So we called the Recoiless Rifle a 106 so as not to confuse shells. Not that you would ever put a 106 shell into a 105 Howitzer it just would not fit,( but it was attempted more then once) but more so that the right Ammo would show up at the right weapon.
So after all my BS the question begs why are they both called 303,s?

Living in the Land of Sunshine & No Basements
"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him, better take a closer look at the American Indian"
Semper Fi The Old Corps Era of the M-1 Garand�