Originally Posted by PJGunner
It was 8 years ago, I'd shot a nice fat juicy cow elk for the freezer. I tagged her and walked back to my truck where my wife was sleeping to get to hel me gut and quarter my animal. On the was back we saw two A--holes on ATVs hauling ass with the two halves of my elk on the back. When we got to the spot all I had left was my torn up tag. The only good thing about it was I'd left my rifle in the truck. Not telling what might have gone down if it had been with me. Try as we might, we could find no game warden or sheriff or any form of LEO to report the incident. It's been 8 years and my jaws still get tight.
Paul B.

Too bad you didn't find the warden. Mine is pretty cool, and more than likely he'd give me another tag.

Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a hunting license and that's pretty close.