Originally Posted by jorgeI
So just because a large percentage of our "well informed" citizens think it was a conspiracy (you know the same who keep electing democraps among other boneheaded stunts) I'm supposed to lend credence to that? The House Commission's report had only access to technology available at the time and also and "possibly" is far from certain. Further, considering new technology, the "fourth shot" theory has been discredited. Also, I've also stated many times my issues with the Warren Commission's findings. Lastly and I do mean lastly, the only possible opening I see for a "conspiracy" is the Ruby/Oswald connection.

Regarding the "your government" query, "your" is the reason for my question as opposed to "our."
I'm neither active nor reserves and feel very comfortable saying "[bleep] the Commander in Chief". My country got invaded and taken over as did your former one, so you should empathize.

I just said it that way actually because that's the way it came out. I didn't elect the current dickweasel in charge but that's the way it plays out so if it makes you more comfortable by me saying "ours" consider it so.