Originally Posted by Bulletbutt
Originally Posted by kamo_gari

That, at one time, was good music to think you were going to die to.

Mebbe you missed this post , early this AM.

......Hearing that makes me want to straddle a freshly waxed Magneto Sportster, roll the advance all the way foward,Tickle the carb, roll the throttle on to full and than back to about 1/8, set the choke, and with a jump and one mighty kick, bring the dangerous drum braked, damn near un-muffled beast to life.

Than, once the thing's warmed up, pop a wheelie, and go tearing off into the evening,

...... a pack of unfiltered Camels rolled in my t-shirt sleeve, my Zippo freshly fueled and tucked away in the pocket of clean Levis with cuffs rolled into the bottom over freshly shined 'Engineer Boots'.
......With all that mine, and a few crisp pay-day bucks in the other pocket, a long weekend to enjoy them, the World was truly one's oyster.

Awaiting me and a well earned hangover down at the shop Monday a well maintained and always growing set of TOOLS (NOT [bleep]' PIMP TOYS) with which I could participate in building America.

...........we grew up in a different time, didn't we ?

Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain