Originally Posted by AsphaltCowboy
Are ya lookin' for traditional or inline?

actually, I'm thinking that eventually i'll do both...
My personal interest is all in the traditional, but my biggest motivator is to enable my Illinois deer hunting, and i do believe that an inline would be best for that purpose...

Our regular firearms deer season is a busy time in the woods and mostly involves hunting from a blind or stand, or organized drives... properties are jealously guarded, and the ability to shoot with precision, and put deer on the ground quickly is desirable...

Illinois has legislation in committee to allow the use of pistol caliber rifles for deer, and if that passed, i'd go straight to that option, for my local primary season deer hunting...

But we always have late season hunts, which are very low pressure hunts... i'd love to go for a walk with a Hawken, i do believe...

"Chances Will Be Taken"