Hank,,,, that Lynx is very cool! I'd love to get one.
We have a few up in the high country, but I nor anyone I know's actually seen one. I've heard stories, but I suspect most Lynx sightings are actually Bobcat. Kinda like the Wuff/coyote thing if ya know what I mean.

BRoper,,,, I'm just down river from the Lenore post office on the south side of the river so I know the Canyon Inn well although I haven't been in there for a few years. The new owners have really cleaned up the outside though so I'm assuming they're doing well. Hope so anyway.
We never froze Coyotes, but those low-down Ely Cat-Hunters were famous for it. Naturally us Elko boys (being convinced that two wrongs did indeed make a right) countered by having friends hunt and add their take to ours.
Like I said, it's not for me these days, but I sure don't pass judgement on those that care to hunt contests.

Good hunting, and stop in for a cold one if you're ever in my neighborhood.