I just found your thread here. I live in Rhode Island. I can tell you that Burqa's, even head scarves are banned from public schools. They argue religious freedom, and the schools reply - dress code. Any political or religious dress is banned from public schools. Period. Sooo, what you see from our leaders is not how things are here. Not hardly. I'm Catholic and they can't put Christmas decorations in the schools either. Separation of Church and State in our Constitution works both ways. What bothers me is the grey attitude towards religion where it's becoming the elephant in the room. You can't talk about it in public. You can't say "one nation under God" in the school pledge of allegiance. They want to take "in God we trust" off our money. That and the wave of immigration here will destroy the culture my grandparents and parents lived in.

By the way, our media likes to take shots at France too. We saw how Muslims in France went out into the streets of Paris to pray and shut down traffic as a sign of their power. They say that France will not stand up to them and will soon be over run. Taken over. You have to believe the news is sensationalized and they are exaggerating. Personally, I hate Hillary Clinton. She was a President's wife. I lost all respect for her when Bill's mistresses started coming forward, and she did nothing. She kept her mouth shut for her political agenda. She moved to New York and after a very short time, ran for Governer. Then Senate, then President. She had no roots in New York and the rural people hated her, but the city folk elected her, just like how Massachusetts keeps electing anyone with the last name Kennedy. I think most people are stupid anyway, and they're going to get the government they deserve. They just re elected Obama after 4 years of his B.S.

"I didn't get the sophisticated gene in this family. I started the sophisticated gene in this family." Willie Robertson