To nobody in particular, but to all the Camp:

The word "infringed" seems to be properly defined in the dictionary.

That is, until they next start whittling away at the 1st Amendment.

Citizens should be aware of 1) who their legislators are, 2) how they might vote, and 3) why you will (or will not) be supporting them in that vote, as well as in the next election.

How about all of us 24 Hour folks? Have you recently mentioned to your representatives that you are registered, have a solid history of voting and are interested in the preservation of the 2nd Amendment? Did you mention that the NRA rates candidates (with an A+ to F rank) for most elections? Have you told them how helpful that NRA ranking has been when you voted in the past? How important you feel it is for us to elect DIPLOMATS and STATESMEN/STATESWOMEN who understand the Constitution and Bill of Rights to office, rather than politicians who are simply windflags of opinion swings?

Time for us to get on our phones and respectfully remind our elected representatives that we are watching this charade very closely. But not with amusement.

“You must endeavour to enjoy the pleasure of doing good. That is all that makes life valuable.”
Robert E. Lee, in a letter to his invalid wife.