Originally Posted by gerrygoat
Yes both Canuckshooter and Kutenay have been banned from HBC and for Kutenay BigshotsBC considering how much trouble they stir up here it's not surprising why. It's too bad the Canada section here has been just about wiped out because of guys just wanting to stir up trouble.

The only reason I was banned from HBC is because that bunch of panty waists can dish it out, but they cannot take it when I give it back to them. ;-). You can thank Gheythouse for that, the burger cook cannot defend himself without his mod authority to back up his ignorance.

I manage to make out quite well on other sites too, especially the ones that allow rebutals to bigots that are posting derogatory and inflammatory things in regards to my ancestry. This forum allows bigots like Kute & mr Smith to post and they also allow us to respond without singling us out for infractions....isn't free speach a wonderful thing?