There are a lot of people who m take their pets out hunting , and as far as my " shoot from the hip" attitude goes, it sounds to me that unlessa person is running a pure bred dog , you are turning up your nose at them.
I hunt with bred GSP, and so do some friends of mine,BTW but some also hunt with labs and do just as well in the uplands.

I also hunt with the Cavalier however, and it's a lot of fun, although we don't put the birds up as much, but the dog has fun and so do I .
Is there a problem with that?
I don't care if a person was running a bull dog, I wouldn't hunt with one , mind you, but some do.
I've seen a lot of rescues from the SPCA that were papered and were good dogs.
I suppose next you are going to tell me I need to hunt with a SXS or an O/U or I'm not hunting "properly" ?
So how did your pure bred dogs come into being , anyway? Divine intervention?

scopes are cool, but slings 'n' irons RULE!