I was looking at the 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife Associated Recreation by the US Fish & Wildlife and came across some interesting facts.

Overall hunting participation increased from 12,510,000 to 13,674,000 or about a 9% increase. Among the regions of America, I was quite surprised on the % of people who take part in hunting. Before you look below, what region would you say has the highest participation rates? I cant figure out how to get the map posted here....maybe someone smarter than I am can do that as it was quite interesting.

New England 4%
Middle Atlantic 5%
East North Central 7%
West North Central 10% (MN!)
South Atlantic 4%
East South Central 11%
West South Central 7%
Mountain 6% (whoa, this surprised me!)
Pacific 3% (the lands of flakes and nuts doesnt surprise me)

There is a TON of info in that report broken down by state as well.


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