Originally Posted by Bill_N
Bring a head net or bug jacket and a thermacell. You can use spray around camp but I wouldn't use it on stand. Bring a hat with a brim all around it to keep the net away from your face and neck so they can't bite through it.

The Thermacell is a "Don't Leave Home Without It" item, as the black flies will carry you away. Mesh gloves over light cotton gloves, with extra long cuffs. The bug underwear from Cabela's is not essential, but it's light and cooler than thicker options. On a bad week, don't tell anyone you have it, or they will kill you in the woods and steal it off your body.

The weather is generally cool, but not cold. One hunt I made, it rained every day, so be sure to pack light rain wear to the stand.

Other than that, the woods are beautiful and quiet, and on a couple hunts I saw moose deer, and I never had a bearless hunt, where I didn't at least see one or several. (I hunt with a bow for baited bears, and not every bear on the bait offers a shot).

Experience is what you get,
When you don't get what you want ;-0