This time last year I was a six pack of beer and a large pizza away from having a BMI of morbid obesity. I had been obese for over a decade after my divorce. The funny part of that was all my blood work said I was perfectly healthy. I just didn't feel healthy: Short, fat, old, and slow. Then there were the two day long migraines after any two day period where I had carbs for more than one meal a day.

I read Primal Blueprint last May and found myself in agreement with much of what the author presented. Did a test run for a month as suggested and will not go back to the Standard American Diet as sold by the FDA/USDA. I do not want to be a Type 2 diabetic like they are making the rest of America. I watched my grandmother and mother die of complications and that is no way to go. Long slow death over several years.

So far I am 50 pounds down and ramping up the work outs of "lift heavy things, and move alot". I sleep better. My muscles do not ache after a hard work out. Due to the low carbs I am using more fat for an energy source for longer hikes, and thus no longer "bonk". Not nearly low carb enough to be keto-adapted, but might give that a shot next winter.

I no longer get hungry after a work out, or a few hours after eating. I have gone a full day of basic home activities with no food until a light dinner. Makes me wonder why I every eat before sitting at my desk. Why indeed. Maybe more intermitent fasting is in order.

The transistion to fueling with mostly fat, and getting a few carbs from non-refined sources like sweet potatoes and nuts is a pretty nice way to live these days. Means I need to go hunting more often to keep the freezer stocked up.

I do miss beer and pizza though. Paleo pizza just does not cut it. But for me the choice is simple: die or live. I am going with live these days. My mom spent 30 years dieing of Type 2 diabetes. Thats enough for for both of us.