Originally Posted by LetsGetReal
Originally Posted by EdM
Yet many man's dream/reality is a threesome with a couple of ladies, eh?

Yep, this appears to be the case. To any guy who would enjoy seeing two ladies getting it on, he has sexual issues of his own.

Saw this thread on LESBIANS. They are typically the biggest troublemakers in places of employment. But, even the big butch ones can play the gender card for their convenience, because they have a vaj yet more testosterone than most men ... even the ones who beat their chests on this very forum. And this whole trendy bisexual thing with high school and college girls today: just kick them to the curb. But, guys are stupid ... and accept this these days. Force them to both buy lots and lots of powerful batteries and get full-time girlfriends.

You're an idiot. What an uneducated synopsis from a mentally impotent person. You still however hit more key points than obumma ever has.