Because of a growing liberal trend in theological circles and a failure to honestly examine the evidence, some professed Bible believers have
attempted to reconcile belief in God and the Bible with evolution. Many have been conditioned to think that by rejecting evolution they would
be looked on as antiquated and outside the educated circle.
Out of this effort to reconcile the two views has come the theistic-evolution position. Those holding this view feel they can believe both the
Bible and evolution, hence, they endeavor to burn the candle at both ends. Here are some peculiarities of those who promote the theistic-evolution
First, since they claim to believe evolution, they see themselves as intellectual.
Second, since they profess to believe the Bible they see themselves as flexible.
Third, to keep from having to reject the Biblical account they are forced to make serious modifications in evolution.
Fourth, in order to align the Bible with the evolution theory they are forced to make serious modifications in the Biblical account. (It is a wonder
why men will go so far out of their way to attempt to adjust the scriptures to a theory that is beyond proof!) The �middle of the road� stance
of theistic-evolution is looked on as absurd by both evolutionists and creationists. It has no credible position, for both sides from which it draws
support reject it!
Theistic-evolutionists declare that God created the first life and then used evolution to develop all other forms of life. However, if one can
believe that God created the first life, why is it so difficult to believe that He could create all life whole and complete? By its very nature the
theistic-evolution view makes it necessary to stretch the days of the creation week into periods lasting millions of years. However, for the following
reasons the Biblical record will not allow such a senseless interpretation.
First, each day is combined with a numeral - �first day...second day...third day...� In the Hebrew Old Testament whenever a number is used with
the word �day� it is always a normal, twenty-four hour day. There are no exceptions to this!
Second, each day is qualified with the expression �morning and evening� which is a Jewish idiom for the night and day (or light and dark) portions
of a normal day.
Third, in literature a word is always to be understood in its literal sense unless there is something in the context demanding otherwise. There is
nothing in the context of Genesis one even suggesting a figurative meaning for the word �day.� (The only reason men want to give a figurative
meaning to the word �day� is because they have already rejected a literal rendering.)
Fourth, the Bible clearly puts all creation within the time frame of a normal week! In Exodus 20:11 Moses wrote of a regular seven-day week
and used the creation week of Genesis one as a model. �For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is...�
There is no way the days of Genesis chapter one can be made to mean long periods of time. In addition, if each day represents many millions of
years, how can the following be explained?
� The earth was created on day one, but the stars were created on day four. However, evolution teaches that stars existed many millions of years
before the earth.
� The Sun and moon were created on the first day. However, evolution teaches that the sun existed millions of years before the moon.
� Vegetation was created on day three, but animal life was not created until day six. However, evolution teaches that both plant and animal life
evolved together.
� Both fish and birds were created on the same day. However, evolution teaches that fish existed millions of years before birds.
� Birds were created on day five, but reptiles were created on day six. However, evolution teaches that reptiles came before birds. The theisticevolution
view and the Biblical creation week cannot be harmonized.
� In addition, vegetation was created on day three, but insects were created on day six. If each day represents many millions of years how did
plants which are dependent on insects for cross-pollination exist during all that time?

NRA Benefactor life member