Don't really know about the Mahindra tractors, but one generally gets what he pays for. Here in farm country there are two kinds of farmers; those that have John Deeres, and those that wish they could afford them :-) Seriously, I was service manager for a John Deere dealership for many years. Deere stands behind there products like no other company I have ever dealt with. If John Q. Public has an issue with a Deere product, Deere will make the necessary mods to correct the problem. Many other Companies will leave you high and dry after the warranty expires - unless it is a safety issue. I have a 55 hp. MFWD JD tractor/loader and it is used hard here. Plows snow for the immediate neighbor hood, moves dirt, splits wood, tills food plots, mows weeds. Tractor has never had a wrench laid on it except for routine maintenance. No matter what tractor you decide on, get the MFWD. They will go through snow and mud something unbelievable. My JD 314 hydro L&G tractor is probably around 30 years old and never been in the repair shop. I keep thinking every year it will spit the bit and it just keeps on going. For resale value, nothing beats JD. Mahindra may be a great tractor, but they are years away from proving they're as good as a Deere.