I grew up walking barefoot in the stuff, moved away and came back 15 yrs later and the stuff eats me alive. I have gotten it SO bad that my hands would literally swell up so bad and so ugly that my own mother couldn't look at them! The ONLY two things I have found that help are:

1) Run hot water over your hands or area affected. As hot as you can stand it. Something about it neutralizes the itching for me. Becareful not to burn yourself while doing it, as the relief is SO great that you may lose focus on the heat.

2) Triamcinolone Acetonide cream, USP 0.1%

In several days the cream will wipe it out, apply the stuff to any safe area and it dries it up. It is powerful good stuff for it. Must be prescribed, well worth it, for me at least!!

Good luck, I know how miserable it can be!