Looks like the hijack will continue.

Nice pick up for that price. What with my former work schedule and now my present lack of funds I haven't been attending the shows as often as I should have. Hopefully things will get right and in the near future I'll be attending more shows. While there's a lot of off gun show topic junk at most of the shows with over a 1,000 tables every month sooner or later you've got to come up with something worth buying. Spent this morning and most of the afternoon pressure washing the patio and several concrete curbs and block walls that we have around our property. My back is killing me. Shoulda let the wife do it. grin Time would have been better spent at the Monroe show. wink grin

Go tell the Spartans,Travelers passing by,That here,Obedient to their laws we lie.

I'm older now but I'm still runnin' against the wind