I work for an outfitter here in Wyoming and every year we do a trip into Yellowstone for a company and their employees out of Cody.

This year as I was at the trail head getting our horses ready two back country rangers (gun toters) and another guy show up. The rangers are headed into one of their cabins in the SE of the park. I watched them pack up and ride away and could tell they were green horse folks. Then I find out that indeed these guys are green as can be. And that many of the back country rangers have never sat astride a horse before.

These are the guys tasked, by the NPS, to patrol the back county and make sure that all the rules are followed. This includes rules for horses/mules.

Our camp in the park has been inspected many times but they usually come in by boat (campsite on the east shore of the lake). I've gone the rounds before with them when they try to come up with phony problems on our grazing in there. And they usually back down pretty quick on that. And now I know why, they don't know the first thing about stock.

So rest easy knowing that the back country of Yellowstone is being patrolled by pilgrims with smokey the bear hats and guns on their first horse.