A motorcycle group that travels the country
attending military funerals is experiencing near-explosive growth, the group's
national spokesman reported today.

Patriot Guard Riders attend military funerals to show respect for those who have
sacrificed and to shield their loved ones from interruptions by protestors.

The group, which started as a grassroots effort in the fall in response to
protesters who were attending military funerals, now has 20,000 members in all
50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam and Germany, Kurt Mayer said in an interview with
American Forces Press Service.

Fifteen thousand members have joined the group during the past seven weeks
alone, he said.

"It's all happening kind of fast. It's amazing the response we've gotten," Mayer
said. "It shows that all this has hit a raw, patriotic nerve, and we're
attracting a cross-section of America -- everyone from CEOs to coal miners and
aerospace engineers to corner-garage mechanics."

These members, who range in age from 14 to 82, form a loose perimeter around
funeral services and create a "corridor of honor," hoisting flags along the
funeral procession route, Mayer explained. "It's a very impressive sight to see
100 flags on either side," he said. "There's a wash of overwhelming emotion."

The Patriot Guard Riders started attending funerals and forming a line of flags
and motorcycles to block people attending military funerals from having to see
protesters who began appearing at military funerals. But as the group has grown
and more families request the honor cordon, the riders now attend all funerals
of fallen servicemembers when asked, Mayer said.

Mayer emphasized that the group attends funerals only at the family's request.
"We recognize that this is a very private affair, and we ensure that the family
wants us to be there and that we're not intruding on their feelings," he said.

The goal, he said, is to show respect for fallen servicemembers and "to show a
grieving family and a sometimes shocked community that America still cares."

"The most important thing we can do is let families know that the nation cares,"
Don Woodrick, the group's Kentucky captain, told reporters following a recent
memorial service at Fort Campbell, Ky. "When a total stranger gets on a
motorcycle in the middle of winter and drives 300 miles to hold a flag, that
makes a powerful statement."

"Each of us holding a three-by-five (foot) American flag (is letting) the family
know and providing some confront that yes, America really does care about their
loss," agreed Jason Wallin, a group member.

"We're just simply Americans doing the right thing," Mayer said, noting that the
effort transcends politics. "We're completely apolitical," he said. "Some
members of our organization are pro-war and some are completely, completely
against the war. What we have in common is an unwavering respect for the fallen
and the sacrifice they have made."

"The group is made up mostly of motorcyclists who have served in the military,
but it's not a requirement," Mayer said.

"We don't care what you ride, what your political views are, or whether you're a
'hawk' or a 'dove,'" according to the group's Web site. "It is not a requirement
that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you're from or what your income
is. You don't even have to ride. The only prerequisite is respect."

Mayer said the group has received "very, very, very positive" responses from the
families of individuals whose funerals it has attended. "Without exception,
there's a very heartfelt response," he said.

The organization's Web site has a feature titled "We Get Letters," which
contains - among other testimonials - expressions of gratitude from the families
of fallen servicemembers.

The family of Marine Lance Cpl. Adam VanAlstine, who was killed in February by
an improvised explosive device in Ramadi, Iraq, expressed deep appreciation for
the group's participation in his memorial service earlier this month in
Superior, Wisc.

"What an amazing relief and comfort you provided to our grieving family and
friends -- not to mention providing the coolest and most honorable way to enter
a service that any of us had ever seen," the family wrote following the service.
"Your service to us was a real blessing Please know that your show of love and
support was felt by all. We were so proud to have you with us that day. Thank
you for your honor and respect of our fallen hero."

The family of Army Pfc. Peter Wagler, killed in January by an improvised
explosive device in Baghdad, expressed a similar sentiment. "I have never seen
such a display of flags as we encountered when leaving the church," one family
member wrote. "I have a video in my head of the 'tunnel of flags,' but really
wish I had an actual video of it. Many people have told me how meaningful the
flags were to them; many shed tears as they drove through the tunnel.

"As for your protecting us from the demonstrators," he wrote, "I looked for
them, but could not see them. I never did see them."

Wagler loved motorcycles and planned to buy one after returning from Iraq, the
family member wrote. "He won't get to do that, but he would have loved the
tremendous display you put on. Our family feels inadequate in expressing our
thanks, but please know that we deeply appreciate what you did for us."

Son of a liberal: " What did you do in the War On Terror, Daddy?"

Liberal father: " I fought the Americans, along with all the other liberals."