Part of the equation is the shape/length/ thickness of the minies skirt and the overall shape of the projectile. To a certain extent, the weight-forward design will keep it nose-first until gravity drags it into the ground.

I'd listen to Greg. Google the drams to grains conversion rate and check your loads. Also, check out the usual loads for shotgun slugs, they are nowhere near the weight of your minie.

Shotguns are proofed for much lower pressures than rifles and even a newer shotgun will not be proofed for rifle pressure loads. If you are using an old gun, the pressures are even more critical. You have no idea of the guns past and if it has been over-pressured, setting yourself up for disaster.

As to your original question, the only way to know if a particular projectile is keyholing is to shoot it.


Last edited by APDDSN0864; 08/26/13.

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