I had 3 sets of, what I believe to be, coyote tracks in my yard last Wednesday morning. There was a light snow on the ground and the tracks were coming from the abandoned home/garage next door to me. There were also the usual feral cat tracks near my house, but I have not seen a cat since and I used to see them most every day.

Problem is, I live in a borough where discharging firearms is illegal. There is a thick, wooded area starting just a few hundred yards from the house...posted land, I think and that's where the coyotes are coming from. Nighttime, of course.
These tracks were unlike those of many dog tracks I've seen in that they did not wander. These tracks were be-lining it back to the woods and they were coming directly from that old garage. Dogs usually wander and sniff about more when they are on the move, don't they?
The animals which made these tracks were moving with a purpose.
Got to be coyotes, huh?

I'm not sure how I should feel...should I feel ok about the cat population going down and the male Toms not spraying on my bushes, or should I feel angry knowing that coyotes are around at night and there isn't much I can do about it?

Some of the cats were kind of pretty. I never fed them, but I did watch them some.
