Went camping Friday night with a bud who was a bit bummed and needed to get away and came back Saturday afternoon.

We got to our site after dark and I donned my headlamp and went looking for firewood. I was as careful as I could be to not walk into things that are problematic. BTW, there are a TON of spiders out these days in this area...

This morning, Sunday, I get up to let the dogs out, and I pull down my sock to see my ankle and foot is covered in what looks to be 100 mosquito bites.

My other ankle only has a few of the similar looking marks.

So, not knowing exactly if I have a rash of chigger bites or a reaction to something else, I go to the ER and they hook me up with some cream to address the itching.

Well, this evening I've noticed the same bite looking marks on the back of my left knee and up my thigh. Thank GOD that's where they stop.

So, I know that poision Ivy oils can spread, and chiggers can climb. The treatment seems to be pretty much the same, according to the doc who couldn't answer the question for me.

So, since I've never had to deal with either due to hyper vigilance in my wilderness wandering, I turn to you guys.

What did I get into, and how do I tell the difference between chigger bites and poison ivy rash? All the Google pictures look the same....

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.