Originally Posted by bruinruin
Originally Posted by ringworm

Women are fking brain dead.
My MIL would put oyster shells in the garbage disposal if someone didnt stop her.

My MIL is just as bad and my wife isn't far behind. A few years ago my wife and MIL were cleaning strawberries. Cutting off the stems, leaves and bad spots and throwing the junk into a big colander. When it was full, my MIL upended the whole thing into the sink and reached for the disposal switch. I caught her before anything made it down the drain and she gavee a look like I was the biggest POS on Earth.

What fugging ignorance, dumping all that down a drain and not giving it a second thought. In fairness, the trash can was 8 feet away, so I can understand the hardship she faced.

I still have to fight the battle of the disposal now and then, threatening to remove it if she keeps it up.

yeah that sums up my wife also.....

women create tons of garbage, but they sure can't be bothered with getting rid of it... or if they do, it is with a little effort as humanly possible...

at least I have trained her to put most of the stuff she use to flush down the toilet or down the garbage disposal into walmart plastic bags and I'll take it out and put it in the garbage can...... and take it all to the dump...

and like your family Scott, my wife and her G/Fs when over, give me the same type of angry looks like I am the one who is the idiot... of course when they jam up this stuff, who do they come crying to, to make it all better and fix it again...