Prior to this tantrum by the Democrats in Washington there had been 17 government "shutdowns" since 1976. I'd like to compile a list of links and facts to publicize that details the difference between the actions of our current "unfunded" bureaucracy and those of the past.

If there are no differences, then link that up too. Surprise me!

I just got done reading the various departmental "fact sheets" posted on the DOI web site, each start out reading like a banner ad of why they exist in the first place.

My personal opinion is that both the furloughed and exempt employee lists should be considered a great starting point for government downsizing. Not everybody, but a good focal point.

My opinion is that the POTUS (Petty Official Tyrant of the US) has given instruction to make this as painful as possible.

Have a good day man. In honor of personal freedom and the open squirrel season, I think I'll go put a hole through dinner's head.