I hope this is more help than harm (or annoyance):

1..No cotton.
5..Boots with good nipple soles. Grip everything -- dirt, mud, snow, ice (short of spikes). Cabelas Guide Series have them (the original series). Insulated is good too.
6..No cotton.
7..Wind resistance.
8..Dry is warm.
9..If you have aspens (and you will likely not be far from them), and a good fire starter (especially the little white tablets of trioxane) you have a fire. Aspens are a root system with a lot of shoots we think are trees. Lots of them are dead, or the branches break off easily.

I layer: mock T in miracle fabric (some are fairly wind resistant. Then fleece (NOT cotton). Then something like your Sitka.

Oh -- Colorado requires a certain amount of solid blaze orange on your front/back and head. Don't forget that if you put your Patagonia on.