Originally Posted by nclonghunter
280, reading your post got me to thinking about a question....

You are a knowledgeable bow tuner, can you take any bow and tune it equally well? Not asking about certain brands, just with a great knowledge of tuning do you think any bow can be precision tuned to shoot equally?

Yes. Have had no problems with single cams, dual cams, binaries, cam 1/2s, or hybrids. I do find some bows such as the Diamond Infinite and Razor Edge, and the Mission Craze to be more challenging at the lower end of their weight adjustment range. Im not a fan of factory strings. And prefer not to work with them. Issues with stretch and serving seperation are common. And have found that a bow tuned with them is more likely to come out of tune sooner than one with quality custom strings. Its all in materials used and the attn to detail with which the strings are made. Also the tensioning process and at what tension the serving is applied makes a world of difference. But as to your original question, the results are the same but some bows/cam systems are easier to work with.

Crossed Arrows Archery LLC
Authorized Obsession Bows Dealer
Custom Strings/Tuning
Black Eagle Arrows Pro Staff, Montana Black Gold Shooting Staff, Dead Center Archery Products Shooting Staff