My favorite, this .44 is a little sharp on my end after lots of lead sailing in the afternoon. Gotta do the pad trick with that butt.. I am kinda questioning the sights on this. At 50 the hit is about 3" high..??? I even tried removing the ramp on the rear sight, but still couldn't get it within 2"...Hmm.!
I realize .44 mags do a hell of a lot of damage for the first 100 but drop severely after that and plow dirt around 300. Is this rainbow trajectory the reason for the high at 50?? If so, should it be on at 100.?? Most deer in my country are well within 50 and most in pistol range easily. This is the reason I really would like it to be on at that range.!!

History is my teacher: VietNam was my lesson.!